Blue Star Ferries Bags Energy Award



Event : Energy Mastering Awards 2015
Awardee : Blue Star Ferries
Organised by : Boussias Communications

The Blue Star Ferries bagged a ‘Silver Award’ for the category Energy Efficiency Management – Means of Public Transport; for the plan “Blue Star Ferries Innovative Renewable Energy Sources”.

About the plan:

  • The pilot implementation and operation of a photovoltaic unit on board of the BLUE STAR DELOS ship; for its execution.
  • Technical team of Blue Star Ferries supervises the project
  • Eco Marine Power provides project management services, equipment and strategic partnerships, as well as technical consultancy services.
  • It is estimated that the energy provided will be able to cover part of the ship’s needs, resulting in reduced use of its electricity generators and, in turn, in lower fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions.

Source: Bluestar Ferries