ClassNK Sign A MOU On Cybersecurity With PMA


  • ClassNK has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cybersecurity with the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA).
  • On 17 November, PMA announced the establishment of a Cyber Incident Voluntary Reporting Scheme.
  • As part of these efforts, the society will analyze the information collected from the cyber incident voluntary reporting scheme of PMA.

Tokyo – Leading Classification Society ClassNK has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cybersecurity with the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA), says an article published on their website. 

Establishment of a Cyber Incident Voluntary Reporting Scheme

Panama, the world’s largest flag state, is making various efforts to improve the safety of its own vessels. 

On 17 November, PMA announced the establishment of a “Cyber Incident Voluntary Reporting Scheme” to better understand the cyber threats that vessels are actually exposed to and to seek more pragmatic and effective measures to control the cyber risks. 

The scheme encourages all Panama-flagged vessels to report detected cyber incidents to PMA.

About Mou

Under the MOU, ClassNK will provide its knowledge and experience cultivated so far to PMA for their efforts to ensure cyber security. 

As part of these efforts, the society will analyze the information collected from the cyber incident voluntary reporting scheme of PMA.

Speaking on the occasion, PMA’s Eng. Rafael Cigarruista, General Director of Merchant Marine said, “As a world largest flag sate, it is our duty to take action against cyber risk and contribute to the safety of maritime transport. In this occasion, we are very happy to conclude a MOU with ClassNK, a leading classification society putting effort into maritime cyber security. By integrating the knowledge and expertise from both flag state and classification society, we are confident in developing measures against cyber risks that are appropriate for the industry to deploy.”

Speaking on the occasion, ClassNK’s Mr. Hirofumi Takano, Executive Vice President, Director of Innovation Development Division said, “Sharing a common objective to build onboard cyber resilience by cross-industry approach, I am glad to embark the new partnership with PMA and contribute to maritime cyber security with our expertise. ClassNK has strived to develop rules and standards and conduct certification services based on outcomes gained through collaboration with front runners. We will continue to promote initiatives based on diverse partnerships and work to propose best practices related to ensuring cyber security suitable for shipping.”

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