Seafarer Lost Sensation as Explosion Injures Three


Cargo Ship

Unconfirmed reports say that there has been a huge explosion on board a cargo ship where three of the ship’s crew suffered injuries.  Out of the three, one seems to be in critical condition.

The report states that the ship was docked at the Guyana National Shipping Company (GNSC) wharf when ship exploded.  It is suspected that such explosion could have resulted from ignition of vapours from ship’s fuel or cargo, which is still under question.  The sources reveal that such explosion may not have triggered from the ship’s engines. It was reported that the explosion occurred around an evening snack time at 4 pm.

One of the engineers were rushed to the hospital where he claimed that he lost sensation on his left side.

While the investigations are underway, MFAME has provided you a first-hand report on this news.  We will update once the complete reports have been released after investigation.

Source: Stabroek News