“Benjamin Franklin” Makes An Entry Into The Port of Long Beach


The world’s largest container ship “Benjamin Franklin” sails into the port of Long Beach.  People can have the view of the gigantic ship from the waterfront area east of the Long Beach Convention Center and from sections of Alamitos Beach.



  •  The ship  is 1,300 ft. long and 177 ft. wide which means it is taller than the Empire state building and wider than American football Field.
  • The vessel is 197 ft high which is  the same height as 20 -floor building.
  • Its Highest Antenna peaks 230 Feet.
  • This the first ship to carry 18,000 shipping containers including including 1,500 Reefer containers.  All containers placed in a line would equal the distance between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara.  Its maximum load capacity represents the volume of 235 Olympic pools – meaning almost 590,000 cubic meters
  • The gigantic vessel is also model for high-energy production.  It produces energy as much as energy as 900 ford focus cars.

CMA CGM American operations has operated in the United States since 1995, has 10 offices and employs more than 900 people.  The company is the third largest carrier in the United States as well as globally.

“The question keeps coming back on whether U.S. port infrastructure is actually ready for this size of vessels, “Well, they are not exactly quite ready yet. Some ports are ready.  The reality is a ship like this will not be able to get deployed on a permanent basis until more ports are ready to accommodate them.” says Marc Bourdon, president of CMA CGM American operations.

Source: Press Telegram