A Sister Container Ship To The Ever Given


Despite two failed attempts to free it this week, a sister container ship to the Ever Given, which became stuck in the Suez Canal last year, has been stranded in the Chesapeake Bay for 21 days, and cargo holders are now being asked to pay to help free it as reported by Emea Tribune.

Why it matters: The Ever Forward (yeah, enjoy the irony) is the largest ship ever to become stuck in the Chesapeake Bay, with 5,000 containers of… stuff.

What’s happening: Evergreen Marine Corp., the ship’s owner, has invoked a maritime law known as “General Average,” which requires those whose belongings are on a ship to share in the cost of liberating it.

Zoom in: It’s unknown what’s inside the Ever Forward’s tens of thousands of containers, but at least one cargo holder — a Bloomberg writer who recently relocated from Hong Kong to New York — has been blogging about her ordeal waiting for her belongings.

  • Tracy Alloway told NBC Washington, “The entire contents of our apartment, all of our furniture, tonnes of books, things of personal worth are all in a container stuck in the Chesapeake Bay.”
  • The United States Coast Guard, which is handling Ever Forward’s public relations in Baltimore, informed Axios that the ship is carrying “generic goods” and directed additional questions to Evergreen.

Zoom out: The Ever Forward has been idling outside Baltimore, its route to Norfolk, since a botched turn on March 13 caused the boat to go aground in shallow water (24 feet, while it needs 42 to float, according to NBC Washington).

  • The Ever Forward has been stranded between the Mediterranean and Red Seas for three times as long as its sister ship was last year.
  • According to William Doyle, director of the Port of Baltimore, the ship is neither affecting trade nor blocking passage out of Baltimore Harbor.
  • The tug boats were used for the first time on Tuesday and Wednesday to try to refloat the boat.
  • Doyle announced on Twitter that a third attempt will be made soon, “with two anchored pulling barges from the stern and five tugs.”

The big picture: Istheshipstillstuck.com, a website that went viral last year during the Suez crisis, can keep you updated on the situation.

  • The boat has become a tourist attraction, and Downs Park in Pasadena, Maryland (which charges a $6 entry fee) is said to be the greatest spot to see it.

By the numbers: When it comes to huge, stranded container ships.

  • The Ever Forward, which has been stuck in Baltimore for 21 days and counting en route to Norfolk, is 1,095 feet long and weighs 117,340 gross tonnes. Due to a mistaken turn in the Bay, the ship ran aground.
  • The Ever Given was 1,312 feet long and weighed 224,000 gross tonnes when it became stranded in the Suez Canal for six days. Due to a strong wind blow, we ran aground.

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Source: Emea Tribune