MOL Decides To Have 110 Zero-emission Ships By 2035


  • Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) plans to deploy about 110 net zero emission oceangoing vessels by 2035.
  • MOL’s LNG fueled ferry that is slated for delivery in 2025.
  • The first zero-emission ships are expected to be put in operation already in the 2020s.

A recent news article published in the Offshore Energy states that MOL aims to have 110 zero-emission ships by 2035.

Adoption of clean energy

As part of the company’s target to promote wide adoption of clean energy, the Japanese carrier also intends to deploy 90liquefied natural gas- (LNG) powered vessels by 2030, excluding LNG carriers, MOL’s latest sustainability plan shows.

To achieve the decarbonization targets, the company will promote the development of relevant technology such as ammonia-fueled and hydrogen-fuelled vesselsliquefied hydrogen carriersCO2 carriers, etc. in FY2022.

Introduction of LNG-fueled ships

It will also expand the introduction of LNG-fueled ships as well as study the maintenance of LNG/ammonia bunkering vessels.

What is more, MOL aims to collect basic information on new alternative fuels to support the adoption of clean technology.

Last year, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines unveiled its goal to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 as part of the MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1. The shipping company also wants to cut GHG emissions by 45% by 2035 (versus 2019).

MOL Sustainability Plan

On 18 April 2022, MOL presented the MOL Sustainability Plan as an initiative to realize a sustainable society and improve corporate value.

On its pathway to net zero GHG emissions, MOL intends to reduce Scope 3 emissions through the use of alternative fuels and energy-saving technology as well as by boosting operating efficiency.

To achieve that, the Tokyo-based transport company intends to build supporting business models and expand low-carbon and decarbonization projects.

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Source: Offshore Energy


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