Wärtsilä Launches Smart Realities for Scalable & Realistic Training


Wärtsilä Voyage has launched Smart Realities, a scalable, and fully immersive extended reality (XR) training and assessment solution for ship handling, bridge and marine engineering applications, reads an official release.

The solution will allow mariners to develop their skills and encounter highly realistic true-to-life scenarios in a virtual risk-free environment.

Adopting green technologies

As the shipping industry constantly evolves to adopt the latest intelligent and green technologies, there is also a need to improve mariners’ training and learning environments to prepare them to adequately handle new systems and processes.

Smart Realities applications are helping to enhance student learning and engagement by combining today’s technology with 25 years of experience in hi-fidelity hydrodynamical, mathematical and physical modelling. The solution aims to deliver the level of realism that is critical for knowledge growth and retention in complex manoeuvres and operations.

Smart Realities solutions

There is little doubt that virtual, augmented, and mixed reality applications will soon become an indispensable part of future volume training both as co-located and distributed learning. Smart Realities solutions are an essential extension of the Wärtsilä Simulation platform, utilising existing validated exercises, ship models and visual areas, and having all of the available instructional tools that simulation operators expect and need to achieve their learning objectives,” said Johan Ekvall, head of product, simulation and training at Wärtsilä Voyage.

By providing multi-player capability, instructors can enter the virtual environment with the learners, or collaborative scenarios can be achieved from remote locations, offering an incredible opportunity to enable significantly better learning with technology.”

I believe that Smart Realities create added value to the training programs which are already in place here at The Maritime Skills Academy. There’s a strong focus on situational awareness and decision making. The solution creates real-life immersive environments to make a simulation of the operations performed on board any ship, and the lifelike scenarios improve learning retention, job performance and team collaboration. We’re very pleased with the results and unique learning approaches Smart Realities have brought us,” said capt. Josip Kulas, director of training & simulation, The Maritime Skills Academy.

  • Smart Realities is a versatile solution that can be applied in almost all technologies in navigation, engineering, and other training fields.
  • Smart Realities can be added as an extension of an existing simulator to complement it with bridge-wing scenario and other layouts or set up as a stand-alone, or portable solution.

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Source: Wärtsilä