Mesmerising Shipwreck Snap – Voted One Of The Best In The World


USS Kittiwake

Specialist underwater photographer, Susannah Snowden-Smith, who lives in Grand Cayman, captured the poignant image in just one snap.  The talented photographer was commended in the Underwater Photographer of the Year competition with this picture of the wreck of the USS Kittiwake near the Cayman Islands.

Susannah said, “I have taken lots of photographs of the Kittiwake where it fills the frame, or it’s shot head-on.  For this photo, I wanted something different; I had an image in my mind’s eye and set off to capture it.”

“I had decided to photograph the shipwreck from the side, and further away to reduce its size in the frame.  The Kittiwake is a 251 foot long vessel and so I had to swim quite a distance away, turning around occasionally to check my progress.  I had noticed the school of jacks and knew I wanted to incorporate them in the photo”

“So composition-wise I waited for them to be in the right place. Then I wanted a diver in the image for scale and additional interest.  I only clicked the shutter when the diver’s fins were close together; this makes for a clean look. Black and white completed the strong graphic image I was after.”

Source: Mirror