Louis Dreyfus Trials Biofuels, Marks First Carbon Neutral Shipment


A biofuel trial carried out on a juice tanker by Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) in collaboration with Sweden’s Wisby Tanker is said to have reduced the vessel’s GHG emissions by around 24% compared to the use of very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO), reads an official press release.

First carbon neutral orange juice shipment

The trial was undertaken onboard the MV Essayra which used a B30 biofuel-blended fuel on a 55-day round trip between LDC’s terminal in Ghent, Belgium and the company’s terminal in Santos, Brazil. The vessel carried a full cargo of orange juice.

LDC also compensated the remaining 76% of GHG emissions of the voyage through carbon credits sourced through its dedicated Carbon Solutions Platform, making this marine shipment the first carbon neutral orange juice shipment globally.

LDC chose to retire a total of 2,262 tCO2e of third-party certified carbon credits from the Kariba REDD+ Project, which protects over 785,000 hectares of forest in Zimbabwe and is certified under internationally recognised carbon standards.

Shaping a net-zero economy

As part of LDC’s journey to help shape a net-zero economy, we are committed to contributing to shipping industry decarbonisation through a range of actions and initiatives – including to explore alternative fuel solutions,’ said Sébastien Landerretche, LDC’s Global Head of Freight.

[The] result of the coordination between LDC’s Carbon Solutions, Freight and Juice platforms, as well as Wisby Tanker, this successful first trial reflects LDC’s ambition and know-how in the field, and our collaborative approach to tackling the industry’s energy transition.’

Announcing the results of the biofuel trial, LDC also highlighted its work on a variety of shipping decarbonisation projects, using technologies such as wind assisted propulsion, solar, batteries and air lubrication.

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Source: LDC