Marriage on a Trendy Cruise Ship for an Extraordinary Wedding!


With the arrival of summer, the wedding season has started. It is the dream of every couple to have a beautiful wedding day, which will always be remembered well and leave a mark in the memories,says an article published in Railly news.

One of the alternatives that stand out among the couples’ search for a wedding and wedding organization is to get married on a cruise ship in the endless blue. Recently, the number of people who want to have an extraordinary marriage on a luxury cruise ship has started to increase at an interesting rate.

Ahmet Yazıcı, General Manager of Selectum Blu Cruises, emphasized that the wedding and honeymoon experience on the cruise ship is one of the privileged options for couples and said, “Getting married on the cruise ship leaves its mark on the minds as the most romantic and unforgettable holiday experience for couples.

Çifter said, “They both organize a different organization and have the opportunity to spend their honeymoon anywhere in the world on our ship, which is almost called a ‘floating hotel’.


The wedding and honeymoon to be held on the cruise ship is a special organization that takes the couples to the world of fairy tales. Ahmet Yazıcı underlined that everything is planned in detail for couples in advance.

Yazıcı said, “The best part of this organization is that couples have the opportunity to say ‘yes’ to each other in the middle of the endless blue. As Selectum Blue Saphire, we, together with our staff, take care that everything is as the couple wishes. We give prices according to the number of people at the captain’s wedding. Our service, which includes a classic rose bouquet and boutonniere, ceremony photos, is offered to our customers with an advantageous price option. In our captain’s wedding package, we also include our services such as a pre-recorded musical ceremony attended by the ship’s crew and flower arrangement, two-tier cake and wine for couples and guests, cabin decoration. After cutting their cake with the symbolic ceremony certificate signed by a captain, our couples will have enjoyed the fun to the fullest with the guests. Thanks to the professional photographer service you can get with your wedding package, we immortalize this special day.”


Ahmet Yazıcı also gave information about the honeymoon package service offered by Selectum Blue Saphire.

Stating that the cabin decoration is also specially prepared for couples, Yazıcı said, “Besides our special cabin decoration, we keep our honeymoon cake and a bottle of wine ready in the cabin. Likewise, we also have cabin breakfast service. We have determined the cost of our honeymoon package, which includes all these, as 99 Euros.”


It is possible to visit different routes in a short time with cruise travel. Stating that they offer affordable tour options as well as a safe and comfortable holiday with a cruise, Yazıcı also gave information about the tour contents.

Yazıcı said, “With our Selectum Blue Saphire tour, which will start from Bodrum, we will take our guests to Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes and Kos, which are among the most beautiful routes in Greece.

Especially in Santorini, which we can call a full honeymoon island, also known as a romantic island, getting married during the sunset offers impressive moments for couples.

Our prices start from 2 € for our 3-4 and 119-night tours departing from Bodrum and arriving in Bodrum. Our customers can benefit from many different options during their holidays. We have 24-hour room service and different room types on our ship.

In addition to our entertaining activities, we are conducive to our guests leaving our ship happy with our friendly and experienced staff, from housekeeping to restaurant staff, from cooks to animation team.

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Source: Railly News