Covid Child Separation Policy In Shanghai


  • Both Ms Zhao and her daughter had tested positive for COVID-19.
  • On Friday, the Jinshan district emerged from a strict lockdown along with other districts east of the Huangpu River.
  • On Friday, Shanghai recorded 6,051 asymptomatic COVID-19 cases and 260 symptomatic cases.

According to an online argument, a Shanghai hospital is sending COVID-positive children and their parents to different quarantine facilities as reported by ABC.

Quarantine facility 

Unverified photographs of toddlers being cared for in hazmat suits, three to a cot, emerged on the WeChat social media platform.

The Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre in the city’s Jinshan District, which is accused of keeping the children, turned to social media to deny the rumours, but in doing so, verified the existence of the quarantine facility.

The photographs and videos circulating on the internet, according to the centre’s official channel, were not taken at the “Jinshan newborn quarantine facility,” but rather during the hospital’s relocation of its paediatric ward to accommodate a growing number of COVID paediatric patients.

Children separated 

It added it had organised more paediatric workers and would strengthen communication with the children’s parents in the wake of criticism from parents whose children have been housed in the facility.

Ms Zhou thought she was doing the right thing when she brought her two-year-old daughter to a Shanghai hospital with a fever on March 26.

Three days later, Ms Zhao was begging health authorities not to separate them because her daughter was too young to be taken away to a quarantine centre for children.

Both Ms Zhao and her daughter had tested positive for COVID-19.

“There have been no photos at all … I’m so anxious.”

On Friday, the Jinshan district emerged from a strict lockdown along with other districts east of the Huangpu River.

Split lockdown 

According to China’s current pandemic management plan, the partial lockdown of the city of 26 million people was targeted at bringing record COVID figures to zero.

The two-stage shutdown allowed the city’s whole population to be tested.

Shanghai has 6,051 asymptomatic COVID-19 cases and 260 symptomatic cases on Friday.

Due to a mix of stringent border controls, lengthy quarantines, and targeted lockdowns, the country where the virus first surfaced in late 2019 has mostly kept following breakouts under control.

Two weeks ago, mainland China announced its first COVID-19 deaths in over a year.


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Source: ABC