Mandatory Mass Flow Meter Training Courses From MPA



The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has announced a new series of courses on Mass Flow Meter and Bunker operations.

It is mandatory for all in service bunker cargo Officers and Bunker Surveyors to take the courses as part of the terms and conditions of Bunkering License and Bunker Surveyor license.  The World’s first National Technical Reference for Bunker Mass Flow Meeting  (TR 48:2015) refers to conducting such course.

From 1st June 2016, all bunker suppliers, bunker craft operators and bunker surveyors are required to follow the requirements and procedures as per TR48: 2015 for all MFO deliveries, while using MFM system in the Port of Singapore.

In pursuance of the above, with effect from 1st Jan 2017, the use of an MFM system will be mandatory for all marine fuel oil deliveries in Singapore.  As part of MPA’s continuous efforts to enhance bunker cargo officers and bunker surveyor’s professionalism and competency, MPA has been working with SSA and IBIA to develop refresher courses for them.

These refresher courses aim to raise the technical knowledge on the MFM bunker operations, including creating greater awareness for personal safety and professionalism among frontline bunkering Officers.

Reports say that already more than 500,000 metric tonnes of bunkers are being delivered every month in Singapore using MFM systems.

Source: MPA