MOL Continues It’s FTSE4 Record


Both are created by the global index and data provider FTSE Russell.

These indexes are designed as an industry neutral benchmark that reflects the performance of companies demonstrating strong ESG practices in areas such as Climate Change, Health & Safety, Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption.

In addition, they are widely used to create and assess sustainable investment funds and other products.

Another Achievement

Meanwhile, MOL was also selected as a Constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index.

This index was newly established by FTSE Russell in March 2022, so MOL has been named to three indexes by FTSE Russell.

MOL Sustainability Plan

The MOL Group has identified “Sustainability Issues (materiality)” as social issues to prioritize through its business activities, and is moving ahead with initiatives to address issues related to all aspects of ESG in accordance with the “MOL Sustainability Plan”.

Increasing Social And Economic Value 

Aiming to become an excellent and resilient corporate group, MOL continually accelerates initiatives to increase its social and economic value under its group-wide Corporate Mission: “From the Blue Oceans, We Sustain People’s Lives and Ensure a Prosperous Future.”

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Source: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines