USAC ULSK Jumps Amid Fuel Switching & Stock Drains


  • USAC ULS kerosene differentials gain 20.75 cents/gal
  • Sources say storage empties out with no imports, high peaker demand

Ultra low sulfur kerosene differentials jumped 20.75 cents/gal Sept. 8 in the US Atlantic Coast as buyers cite a sudden stock drain due to demand from peaker units that generate power in extreme temperatures, but in this case to combat the heat and not the typical cold-weather needs, reports Platts.

Platts assessed USAC ULSK at NYMEX October ULSD futures plus 12 cents/gal, or $3.6601/gal based on ranges heard in the market. It traditionally trades as a premium to jet fuel, especially in the winter for its cold-weather properties. ULSK moved from 8.25-cent premium to 23-cent over benchmark Buckeye Pipeline jet fuel, which rose 3.75 cents to NYMEX minus 11 cents/gal, or $3.4301/gal.

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Source: Platts