Cargo Owners Wage A Legal Battle Against Vessel Owner


  • Container and cargo owners with equipment on the detained Allseas Pioneer have begun a legal battle after the vessel’s owner refused to allow it to be unloaded.
  • The 1,874 teu vessel has been detained in Waalhaven, Rotterdam, since 30 August when its bunkers were ‘arrested’, preventing the ship from leaving the port.

A recent news article published in The Loadstar states that legal battle begins after Allseas Pioneer owner refuses cargo discharge.

Refusal to allow freight

Since then, The Loadstar sources have confirmed, owner Maoming Huaxiang, based in Guangdong, southern China, has retained the ship, but has refused to allow freight or empty containers to be discharged, launching a dispute with the box and cargo owners.

“The ship has been taken back by the owners so, the dispute is now between the equipment and cargo owners and the ship owner,” said the industry source.

Allseas Pioneer has 1,600 teu in empty boxes

The Loadstar understands that Allseas Pioneer has 1,600 teu in empty boxes and 50 full containers, some containing whisky loaded in Scotland.

The vessel was chartered to Allseas, which is mired in a legal dispute with Frederiksen-owned SFL, which believed it had an agreement to charter its vessel Green Ace to the UK company and is suing it for $20m in fees.

Allseas has been contacted for comment.

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Source: The Loadstar