Gasoil Margins Open Strong This Week Amid Strong Oil

Credits: Humberto Olarte Cupas/Alamy Stock Photo

Asia’s 10-ppm sulphur gasoil margins firmed at the start of the week following trading optimism over the reopening of China’s borders, amid a late afternoon uptrend in oil futures, reports Bunker Ports News.

Refining margins (GO10SGCKMc1) for 10 ppm sulphur gasoil surged by more than $1 a barrel to close the session at $31.53 a barrel.

Cash differentials (GO10-SIN-DIF) for 10 ppm sulphur gasoil went down slightly to $1.67 a barrel amid a buy-sell gap for January-February parcels.

This was amid a narrower prompt-forward month spreads in the paper swaps market.

Similarly, jet fuel refining margins (JETSGCKMc1) went up to $30.70 a barrel.

Regrade (JETREG10SGMc1) was little changed at minus 83 cents a barrel.


– No gasoil or jet fuel deal.


= South Korea’s GS Caltex offers February loading gasoil

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Source: Bunker Ports News