This Is The Safest Place In The World To Live !

Credit: Jacek Dylag/ unsplash

Choosing a place to live is a carefully crafted, and often difficult decision. Prospective residents take school districts, affordability and weather into consideration for a new city or state. One of the most important factors, particularly for those living alone or with young children, is how safe a certain place is. 

 The Safest Place

The safest place in the world is Iceland, which ranks number one on the 2022 Global Peace Index. Iceland, with a score of 1.107, has held this position on the GPI for over a decade. The GPI scores countries based on level of societal safety and security, ongoing domestic and international conflict and degree of militarization. Iceland is the world’s most gender equal country, the only country to have close to 90% of its gender gap, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report. It is also the third happiest country in the world, ranking just behind Finland and Denmark on the 2022 World Happiness Report. The top ten most peaceful countries, according to the 2022 GPI: 

  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Ireland
  4. Denmark
  5. Austria
  6. Portugal
  7. Slovenia
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Singapore
  10. Japan

Seven of the top 10 countries are in Europe, making it the most peaceful region in the world.

What Is The Safest Place In The USA?

At the end of the day, “the safest place” is subjective. Those who grew up in small towns may think cities are dangerous, but those who were raised in large cities have a different scale of what safety means to them. According to a report from WalletHub comparing personal, residential, financial, road and workplace safety and emergency preparedness, Vermont tops the charts as the country’s safest state. New Hampshire has the fewest fatal occupational injuries and Washington has the lowest loss from climate disasters.  Massachusetts has the fewest fatalities of any state, while Maine ranks for fewest assaults. 

Which Country Has The Least Crime?

The GPI’s “Societal Safety and Security” indicator measures crime rates, terrorist activity, violent demonstrations, relations with neighboring countries, political stability and displacement of refugees. Iceland holds the highest score in this category, followed by Norway and Japan.  “Venezuela continues to record the highest possible scores in homicide rate, violent crime and political terror,” the index reports. 

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Source: USAtoday