Harvard Study Reveals the Secret to Being Likable



It might be an inconvenient truth, but being likable is something we all (deep down) crave.

That’s because it makes life easier.

If you think that people are born charming, you’re mistaken — likability can be learned and honed, just like any other skill.

But what is it that makes a person likable?

According to this Harvard study, described in an HBR article, the secret to being more likable and improving interpersonal bonding isn’t being polite, helpful, or having a good sense of humor.

It’s asking more questions.

It makes sense — we all want to feel someone is interested in us.

People tend to talk a lot about themselves, especially when they’re trying to impress someone. But that’s not the best strategy to make a positive impression.

When you show genuine interest in someone — by asking them questions regarding their life, thoughts, and feelings — and shift the focus of the conversation from yourself onto the other person, that’s how you win them over.

There is a catch though.

According to the findings of the research, the order of the questions you ask someone has a significant effect on how they will respond.

If you want to build up trust, rapport, and intimacy, you should start with relatively shallow and insignificant questions and progress to more private/deep ones.

Imagine you’re introduced to someone. Once you exchange names, the first thing they ask you is what’s your biggest fear, or the thing you regret most in life.

Wouldn’t that make you feel uncomfortable?

Although these two questions would make for an interesting and deep conversation, you can’t pour your heart out to someone you know nothing about. Before you get into the deep stuff, first you need to build a sense of connection between you and the other person.

Always start with the simple. Try asking them where are they from, what are their hobbies, and if they have any pets. Then, gradually, you can opt for more personal questions.

Follow-up questions are an ace up your sleeve.

When trying to make a good impression on someone, follow-up questions are a great asset because they signal an interest in the person you are talking to.

Here are some examples of follow-up questions you can use to enhance the flow of your conversation and create the impression of a likable person:

  • Can you tell me more about…?
  • Why do you think that?
  • What do you mean by…?
  • What about you?

Make sure you ask these questions in a casual, rather than a buttoned-up tone. You don’t want to sound like an interviewer but someone who’s interested in getting to know the other person more.

In a nutshell

Being likable isn’t a personality trait you’re born with. It might come more naturally to some people than others — but anyone can cultivate it.

Likability can be learned and honed, just like any other skill.

The secret to making a good impression on someone?

Ask them more questions.

At the end of the day, when we’re having a conversation with someone, we all want to feel they’re genuinely interested in us.

Talking mainly about yourself, no matter how admirable your achievements or knowledge is, isn’t the best strategy to impress someone.

Turn the focus of the conversation on the other person instead. Show them you want to know them on a deeper level. Make them feel like you’re interested in seeing their authentic self. Start from the small stuff to build up trust. Gradually ask more personal questions. Always keep the tone light.

Watch the magic happen.