Top Hat For The ‘Cap’tain


The Port of Hamilton presented the port’s annual ceremonial top hat to the captain of the iron ore ship, marking the 2016 shipping season.


Marking the 69th year of the ceremony, the port’s ceremonial headwear: a top hat, was presented to the Captain of the Algoma Discovery ship, Tom Higham, as it was the first vessel to enter the port in the 2016 shipping season.

The ship entered the port on Thursday night carrying 25,000 tonnes of iron ore from Quebec.  The ship, which Montreal on March 22, was delivering the iron ore to ArcelorMittal Dofasco.  The Hamilton Port Authority informed that by volume, iron ore is the material that is brought most into Hamilton’s port and cargo used by Arcelor Mittal Dofasco represents close to 60 per cent of all the cargo the port handles.

Source: CBC