Shanghai And Yangtze River Ports’ New Ship Pollution Prevention And Control Laws

Credit: Eduardo Goody/Unsplash

Both the “Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution” (referred to as the “Shanghai Regulation”) issued by Shanghai MSA and the “Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution in the Yangtze River” (referred to as the “Jiangsu Regulation”) issued by Jiangsu MSA officially came into force on March 1, 2023, in order to further strengthen the prevention and control of ship pollution.

New regulations  

Jiangsu Regulation mostly includes Yangtze River ports, such as Taicang, Changshu, Nantong, Zhangjiagang, Jingjiang, Jiangyin, Taizhou, Changzhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, etc., whereas Shanghai Regulation primarily covers port areas and terminals in Shanghai.

There have been several instances in this area where ships have been punished for breaking the regulations since the two regulations went into effect. In order to help understand and comply with the two regulations, we hereby  summarize the key points related to requirements on ocean-going ships in the two Regulations for your reference:

Common Requirements of the two Regulations

  1. Single-hull tankers carrying bulk liquid dangerous cargo (including single-side single-bottom, double-side single-bottom, single-side double-bottom) are prohibited from berthing or operating in the mainstream of the Yangtze River, Huangpu River or other inland navigable waters in Shanghai Municipality and the Yangtze River waters in Jiangsu Province

Related Penalty:

Shanghai Regulation: a fine between CNY3,000 and CNY30,000

Jiangsu Regulation: not mentioned

  1. If ships use domestic sewage treatment devices, oily-water separators, ballast water treatment systems or other anti-pollution devices, maintenance and record shall be well kept; pollutants from ships shall be collected and classified.
  2. Ships are prohibited from directly discharging into any water domestic sewage or oily sewage that has not been treated or still fails to meet the discharge standards after treatment.

Related Penalty:

Shanghai Regulation: a fine between CNY20,000 and CNY50,000; if the circumstances are serious, a fine between CNY50,000 and CNY200,000

Jiangsu Regulation: a fine between CNY20,000 and CNY30,000

  1. The domestic sewage discharge pipelines and valves directly leading to the outboard of inland ships shall be sealed or blinded.

Related Penalty:

Shanghai & Jiangsu Regulations: a fine between CNY1,000 and CNY10,000

  1. When ocean-going ships discharge ballast water, they shall ensure that the discharged ballast water meets the requirements and shall report to the competent department for prevention and control of pollution from ships before discharging.

Read the full article here.


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Source: Xinde Marine News