RINA Releases New Advanced Carbon Intensity Indicator

Credit: Sascha Hormel/Pexels

RINA has launched a Vessel Reporting System (VRS) aimed at boosting decarbonisation efforts through simple reporting, says an article published on Xindemarinenews.

Creation of dashboards

Vessel reporting can be extremely time-consuming, and the new CII regulation will pressure ship owners and managers further. The new flexible reporting tool from RINA will collect data and allow the creation of dashboards to handle not only CII requirements but all reporting.

The CII report provides an accurate and comprehensive picture of a ship’s carbon emissions and energy efficiency based on input data such as time at sea, time at port, average sailing speed, fuel consumption per fuel type and sailed distance.

Track fuel consumption

Michela Schenone, Marine Digital Solutions Manager at RINA, said, “With the Vessel Reporting System, ship owners and managers may avoid potential reimbursements for negative CII ratings. They can easily track fuel consumption and emissions and, as the crew enters new data, the Vessel Reporting System automatically performs real-time quality checks to prevent input errors.”

Right operational decisions

The new Vessel Reporting System is a standalone solution requiring minimal system setup. For organisations already using SERTICA, the tool can be added as a module.

The CII Calculator can also be combined with RINA’s CII Simulator. Ship owners and managers can measure the CII of actual voyages and estimate the CII of potential ones by analysing data, including recommended routes and speed to reach a specific CII rating, ultimately making the right operational decisions to minimise emissions.

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Source: Xindemarinenews