Transatlantic Liquid Bulk Link: Chemical Tankers Bridging Americas to Indian Ports

Credits: Oleksandr Kalinichenko/

The Suez Canal has announced rebate percentages for certain types of tankers operating between specific regions.

  1. For “Chemical & Other Liquid Bulk” tankers travelling between the American Gulf (including Miami and western ports) and ports in India and its eastern ports: a) Ports west of the Indian subcontinent (from Karachi to Cochin) will receive a 25% rebate on normal Suez Canal tolls. b) Ports east of Cochin until before Port Klang will receive a 55% rebate on normal tolls. c) Port Klang and its eastern ports will receive a 75% rebate on normal tolls.
  2. For “Chemical & Other Liquid Bulk” tankers travelling between ports on the East Coast of North America (north of Miami) and ports in India and its eastern ports: a) Ports east of Cochin until before Port Klang will receive a 15% rebate on normal Suez Canal tolls. b) Port Klang and its eastern ports will receive a 25% rebate on normal tolls.

To benefit from the rebate percentages mentioned in the circular, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Before departing from the origin port, the operating company must submit a request through its shipping agency. The request should include vessel details, origin port, sailing date, destination port, ETA to Suez Canal, vessel’s condition (laden or ballast), and type and quantity of cargo. The request should be made through the fixed rebates circulars electronic service.
  2. The vessel should not make any commercial stops at intermediate ports between the origin and destination ports. If the vessel makes non-commercial stops, a certificate from the port authority or other competent authorities stating the reason for calling will be required.
  3. The full normal Suez Canal transit tolls must be paid during transit, and the rebate amount will be refunded after submitting all the required documents within one calendar year, starting from the day after the transit. All required documents related to the rebate case should be submitted as one package.
  4. The required documents for rebate refund include: a) A certificate from the last port sailed from (origin port) stating the departure date, cargo quantity, type of cargo, reason for calling the port, and vessel’s status. The certificate must be signed and stamped by the port authority or competent authorities. b) A certificate from the first port of arrival (destination port) stating the arrival date, cargo quantity, type of cargo, reason for calling the port, and vessel’s status. The certificate must be signed and stamped by the port authority or competent authorities. c) A “Principals Claim” requesting rebate refund, mentioning the circular number, vessel’s particulars, port of origin, sailing date, destination port, arrival date, Suez Canal transit date, claimed rebate percentage, and a disclaimer stating that the vessel did not call any intermediate ports for commercial purposes.
  5. Failure to submit all the required documents on time, making commercial stops at intermediate ports, or violating any of the circular’s conditions will result in the cancellation of the previously granted rebate for the vessel.


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Source: Suez Canal