Can Ships Meet Zero Emission Target?



December 2015 saw the world joining together to fix a goal so that the global increase in temperatures does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius.  Not stopping with this the UN Paris Treaty referred to an aim of keeping the temperature rises to below 1.5oC.  It is an indication of an emergency situation where ships built in today’s world must be able to operate in a net zero emission world.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), the representative of the global shipping industry was ruled out from the Paris Agreement whereas it has a fair share to achieve a carbon target.  With the present policy in implementation the CO2 emissions may rise anywhere from 50-250% by 2050.  Whereas the recent Paris agreement gives a target of attaining net-zero carbon emissions by then.  It may take around 30 years to make things fall in line in terms of carbon emissions.  And there is no possibility for the industry’s presently anticipated 1.2-2.8 gigatonnes of carbon emissions in the fast approaching zero emission world.

Steps taken by IMO to work out this important issue:

  • At an IMO meeting in May 2015 the Marshall Islands called for the establishment of a GHG emission reduction target for international shipping, consistent with keeping global warming below 1.5°C.
  • The paper was supported by 25 countries but the decision was postponed pending the COP21 outcome.
  • The upcoming IMO meeting from 18-22 April 2016 offers Governments a genuine opportunity to accelerate carbon reduction action within the shipping sector in line with the rest of the world’s commitment to urgent reduction of GHG emissions.
  • The shipping sector urgently needs strong, clear leadership from the IMO to be able to deliver low carbon ships that can serve the world in line with the Paris Agreement.

Installation of Wind technology devices on commercial ships can play a vital role in reducing the emissions.  And International Windship Association (IWSA) do have a role to play in this crucial juncture with their valuable inputs and attempts to salvage the situation:

  • It facilitates and promotes wind propulsion for commercial shipping worldwide and brings together all parties in the development of the wind-ship sector to shape industry and government attitudes and policies.
  • IWSA members have market-ready technologies either in commercial operation or in late stage development.  It supports the call for shipping to commit to its ‘fair share’.

Keeping the hopes high, Gavin Allwright secretary general of IWSA: “There are wealth of available solutions, either currently being tested on ships, or in late stage development, that use 21st century technology to harness wind as a viable propulsion for shipping.  The shipping industry is behind the curve in embracing opportunities from renewable energy.  There is a vast body of support from academia, through to engineers and classification societies that recognise wind as one of the key opportunities for the shipping sector to rapidly reduce emissions.”

As a source of approval for wind power in shipping there are conglomeration with shipping majors like Rolls-Royce and Wartsila.  Allwright reminded of the comments made last year by LR’s new executive President Tom Boardley: “LR is [also] looking at alternative methods of propulsion such as wind-power for vessels.”

Allwright also added “A clear commitment to emission reduction from the IMO at this month’s meeting will stimulate a new green-golden age of shipping where innovation in the sector attracts a new generation of recruits and brings new energy to this lifeblood of global trade.”

“Without clear leadership investors in new technology for the shipping industry do not have sufficient confidence to commit to these and other technically and commercially viable solutions that are the best hope for the sector achieving net zero emissions by 2050.”

Source: Ship Management International