IMO: Revised PSC Procedures Effective from January 2024

Credits: Flavio Gasperini/Unsplash

The Sub-Committee on the Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) 9th session took place 31 July to 04 August 2023 where, among other things, the draft amendments to the Procedures for Port State Control were finalised, reports Safety4sea.

The Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) brings together flag, port and coastal States to consider implementation issues, including the analysis of consolidated audit summary reports from the mandatory IMO Member state Audit Scheme. Lloyd’s Register has provided the following summary with key outcomes from the session:

  • III 9 finalised general guidance on the assessment and application of remote surveys and remote audits for inclusion in the draft Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) and the draft Revised guidelines on the implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code by Administrations. The guidance focusses on the circumstances, scope, and type of survey (e.g. annual, renewal, intermediate, etc.) or audit where remote technology may appropriately be employed and also provides circumstances where in-person survey or audit must be used either as a supplement to remote methods, or as the only appropriate method when remote technology is not suitable. Additional guidelines are expected to be finalised at III 10 (Jul 2024).
  • III 9 finalised draft amendments to the Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC). These draft revisions take into account the amendments to the relevant mandatory instruments due to enter into force up to and including 31 December 2023 and amendments to SOLAS which enter into force 1 January 2024. The revisions to the Guidelines are expected to be adopted at Assembly 33 (Dec 2023) and will enter into force 1 January 2024.
  • III 9 also finalised the draft amendments to the Procedures for Port State Control (A.1155(32)). The draft amendments include guidelines for the detention of ships under MARPOL Annex VI. The revisions to the Guidelines are expected to be adopted at Assembly 33 (Dec 2023) and will enter into force 1 January 2024.

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Source: Safety4sea