USCG Rescues an Injured Man Using Skiff Ice Boat


USCG Evacuates Injured Man from Dredging Barge

The U.S. Coast Guard  used a Skiff ice boat to rescue an injured man from a dredging barge in Lake Erie.


U.S.Coast Guard received a call from a good Samaritan regarding the two men on a dredging barge who needed help due to injuries.  The Coast Guard medically evacuated the injured man off the dredging barge in Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohio, on Wednesday evening.

The barge was 50 yards offshore in water too shallow for a Coast Guard response boat to get to come alongside, so a rescue team traveled to the location by truck.  The rescue team launched from the shore in a skiff ice inflatable boat, normally used for ice rescue and brought one man back to awaiting emergency medical services.

The other man said he wished to stay aboard the barge and waited for a commercial salvage company, which towed the barge to Johnson Island in Lake Erie.

The man’s name and hometown were not released.

Source: USCG News