Blue Ocean Alliance For Cost-Saving Sterntube-Less Ship


New venture aims to cut costs with sterntube-less ship design. Led by Thordon Bearings and Wärtsilä, the Blue Ocean Alliance introduces this concept, joined by NTUA, SDARI, and ABS, in a collaborative effort.

Revolutionary Approval

ABS has already granted SDARI (in partnership with Thordon and NTUA) an Approval in Principle (AiP) for the concept design of the sterntube-less vessel with Thordon’s COMPAC Split Seawater-Lubricated Aft Bearing. ABS said it is further developing a pertinent guide and notation for such a ship.

The innovative T-BOSS design by Thordon eliminates sterntubes, saving ship owners significant capital and operational costs.

This propeller shaft system allows for in-ship maintenance and inspection, without requiring lubricating oil or withdrawal of the shaft.

Efficient Technology

T-BOSS uses Thordon’s COMPAC propeller shaft bearing system and the Wärtsilä Enviroguard Seal, which requires no maintenance between planned overhauls of up to five years.

ABS estimates that, for a sterntube-less ship design, a re-alignment or bearing and seal replacement job that would typically take two weeks in dry-dock, can be completed in a single day while the vessel is afloat.

Innovative Impact

Thordon CEO Anna Galoni saidThe T-BOSS concept introduces a new approach to a merchant vessel’s aft layout – removing the sterntube casing, employing seawater for lubrication and creating a dry chamber to permit in-water maintenance for the first time. These innovations enable ship owners and shipyards to eliminate propeller shaft oil emissions, simplify maintenance and lower operational costs.”
She added that several shipowners have already shown interest in the concept.

Wärtsilä’s VP for Shaft Line Solutions WaRob Burford said The Blue Ocean Alliance and the sterntube-less ship design promise to revolutionize the way that ships are built and operated, delivering cost savings and efficiency improvements.”

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Source: Riviera


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