Seatrium Scoops Favoured Customer Contract For LNG Carriers


  • Seatrium has secured a favored customer contract (FCC) with TMS Cardiff Gas for the repairs and upgrades of LNG carriers.
  • Seatrium will carry out repairs and upgrades of 17 LNG carriers over three years.

Seatrium Limited has successfully secured a Favoured Customer Contract (FCC) with TMS Cardiff Gas for the repairs and upgrades of its Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers, according to the company’s release.

The contract includes the refit of 17 LNG carriers in Singapore, with responsibilities in joint planning, information and experience sharing. The two companies will jointly work towards achieving sustainable targets in the areas of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE), cost efficiency and timely deliveries, which are key indicators of high-quality LNG refit maintenance.

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Source: Seatrium


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