IWSA: 37 Wind-Powered And 11 Wind-Ready Ships In Operation


In late March 2024, there were 37 wind propulsion-installed vessels along with eleven wind-ready ships which have a combined total of 2.5 million dwt, the International Windship Association (IWSA).

Rigged cruise vessels

These are complemented by ten small traditionally rigged cruise vessels and dozens of small sail cargo and fisheries vessels. A critical mass of demonstrator ships is forming in the bulker, tanker, RoRo and general cargo segments, with developments in other ship segments accelerating, too.

As informed, four primary wind vessels of over 400 GT have either entered or about to enter the fleet and two larger ships are under construction.

Varied collection

According to IWSA, a far more varied collection of market stakeholders are showing interest in wind propulsion technology developments. Moreover, it can be seen that small fleet orders are being made, not only single ship deployments.

This appeal, aligned with recent UN targets for shipping emissions reduction, emphasises the potential of wind energy and specifically calls for consideration and funding of an ‘SDG Delivery Fleet.’

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Source: Offshore energy