Safeguarding Seafaring Adventures: A Tale Of High-Stakes Waters


The rapidly evolving security situation in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean poses significant threats to merchant vessels, including attacks from anti-ship missiles, WBIEDs, drones, and sea mines. The Club provides current advice and support to ensure the safety of vessels operating in these areas, guided by industry guidance and Flag State recommendations.

Conducting Thorough Security Risk Assessments

Before operating or transiting high-risk areas, vessels should undergo comprehensive ship and voyage-specific security risk assessments. Engaging commercial security consultants can provide valuable guidance and help develop tailored security advisories. These assessments should consider cargo interests, vessel ownership, trading history, and potential target factors to identify vulnerabilities and enhance preparedness.

Developing Contingency and Emergency Response Plans

It is crucial to have robust Contingency and Emergency Response Plans in place for potential or actual attacks. These plans should be regularly reviewed and updated based on the latest security information. Crew and shore management must be well-versed in these plans, identifying safe refuge areas on the vessel and strategies for shielding hazardous cargo to minimize risks during an attack.

Staying Informed with Industry Guidance and Reporting Requirements

Members should stay updated with all relevant industry guidance, including IMO updates, interim transit advice, and combined maritime forces’ guidance. Being aware of reporting requirements for transits and suspicious activities ensures timely and accurate communication during security incidents. Utilizing resources like MSCHOA, EUNAVFOR, and BMP 5 helps maintain a proactive stance in navigating these high-risk areas safely.

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Source: Shipowners