Port Houston Records Double Digit Box Growth


  • Port Houston continues to exceed last year’s container volumes.
  • Container cargo shows strong volume for both loaded imports and loaded exports as both directions continue an upward trend.
  • Total tonnage at Port Houston increased by 4% to 17,559,014 tons year-to-date.

Port Houston continues to exceed last year’s container volumes and is up 12% through April with 1,394,094 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). In the month of April, 324,177 TEUs moved through the Port, which represents a 5% increase compared to the previous year’s April figures.

Port Houston continues to exceed last year’s container volumes

A closer look at container cargo shows strong volume for both loaded imports and loaded exports as both directions continue an upward trend. Loaded imports are up 4% for the month and 12% year-todate through April, totaling 632,886 TEUs, following a recent surge in new import distribution centers constructed in the area. Compared to 2023, loaded exports handled in April were up 8%, while year-todate volumes have surged 14%, totaling 523,426 TEUs. The rise in exports is attributed to the demand for regionally produced automotive, furniture, cotton, and plastic resin goods. Port Houston continues to be the nation’s top gateway for resin exports, with a market share of 60%.

In response to the increased volumes at Bayport and Barbours Cut Container Terminals, Port Houston is shifting customers to use its Express Pass appointment system. This timeless appointment option allows trucking companies to initiate transactions prior to arriving. It also provides access to dedicated Express Pass lanes and reduces ingate transaction time, which in turn improves truck turn times in and out of the facilities.

Our Express Pass system is designed to enhance efficiency at our container terminals. It improves customer truck turn times by providing our team with greater visibility and predictability, which helps us work smarter,” said Roger Guenther, Executive Director of Port Houston. “By using this system, our customers are helping us help them reduce their time spent at our terminals. With 10,000 truck visits on average each day every minute, every second, matters.”

General cargo moving through Port Houston’s multipurpose facilities has slowed. Steel Volumes decreased by 32% in April compared to the same month last year, while other commodities, such as fertilizer, molasses, and tallow, have shown gains. Total tonnage at Port Houston increased by 4% to 17,559,014 tons year-to-date.

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Source: Port Houston