[Watch] Girls Smuggled in and Sold as Brides in China


Gender Imbalance: Vietnamese Smuggled in and Sold as Child Brides in China

The dearth of marriage-age women in China has created a situation of desperation among young Chinese men and hence to meet China’s growing demand for marriage-age women, a human trafficking industry has sprung up to smuggle young girls across the border from Vietnam into China to be sold as wives.

The villages along the Vietnamese-Chinese border are a hunting ground for human traffickers.  Girls as young as 13 say they are tricked or drugged, then spirited across the porous border by boat, motorbike or car.  Young Vietnamese women are valuable commodities in China, where the one-child policy and long-standing preference for sons has heavily skewed the gender ratio.

As fallout from more than 35 years of its iniquitous one-child (now “two-child”) policy, China has found itself with the greatest gender imbalance of any country in the world.  Sex-selective abortions have created a situation whereby the year 2020 eligible males of marrying age will outnumber their female counterparts by more than 30 million.

To put it simply, Chinese men are hungry for brides.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purpose only.  This may not be construed as a news item or advice of any sort.  Please consult the experts in that field for the authenticity of the presentations.

Video Source: The News on YouTube

Source: Breitbart News