Global Demand for Box Ship Capacity Soars, Idled Vessels Reach Pandemic-Era Lows


As global demand for box ship capacity continues to dramatically outstrip supply, the number of idled vessels is down to numbers not seen since the pandemic, reports The Loadstar.


According to new Alphaliner data, in the first half of the year, commercially idle tonnage represented an average of 0.7% of the container shipping fleet, “harking back to levels seen during the pandemic”, it reported.  

It averaged around 210,000 teu, out of the 29.6m teu global cellular fleet, matching numbers recorded in the first half of 2022. 

Alphaliner data showed just 77 ships of 217,038 teu currently without revenue-generating activity and, as carriers continue to seek any available tonnage to maintain services, none are over 18,000 teu and only two are above 12,500 teu. 

During yesterday’s Flexport Freight Market Update, the forwarder warned that spot rate price surges would continue until capacity supply outstripped demand.  

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Source: Loadstar