APL Brings Fleet Carbon Emissions Down by 45.5%


APL’s Fleet Carbon-dioxide Emission Reduced by 45.5%


American President Lines (APL), a subsidiary of NOL, announced yesterday that it has reduced its fleet carbon dioxide emissions by 45.5% in 2015, compared to its emissions level in 2009. This achievement marks APL’s highest carbon dioxide emissions reduction in the last six years.

“APL has steadily reduced its year-on-year carbon emissions and this demonstrates the company’s unyielding focus on sustainable shipping,” said Kenneth Glenn, APL President. “APL is dedicated to sound environmental stewardship and will persevere in our efforts to live out our commitments to protecting the environment.”

APL attributed its carbon emissions reduction to improvements in operational efficiency, fleet and voyage optimisation, technical improvements, as well as a more fuel-efficient and environmentally-friendly fleet of vessels.

Complementing its vessel performance management, APL’s maintenance strategy has been pivotal in ensuring that its operations stay efficient and green.  Through data collection and analysis, APL implements a dedicated programme that upkeeps its vessel fleet for optimal ship performance and minimal environmental impact.

APL advocates the most carbon‐efficient means of moving cargo to markets in a global economy.  As a member of the BSR Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG), APL collaborates with other stakeholders to oversee CCWG’s approach in driving improvements in global goods transport, namely performance measurement and reporting, as well as promotion of environmentally responsible practices.  APL also uses tools to track and benchmark its performance to help shippers make informed decisions in choosing an environmentally-responsible carrier.  APL’s carbon dioxide emissions data was verified by Lloyd’s Register Group according to the CCWG verification protocol and ISO14064-3:2006 standard.

APL’s pursuits in environmental excellence have consistently been recognised by the industry.  In 2015, APL received the Environmental Shipping Index award from HAROPA, the French port of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris for its exemplary performance in reducing air emissions that exceeds the emission standards of the International Maritime Organisation.  Previously, it also won the Port Metro Vancouver Blue Circle Award for excellence in air emissions reduction; and the 75 Green Supply Chain Partners award by Inbound Logistics magazine for attaining its carbon emissions target.


Source: APL