Shipping Ministry To Expand Shore-To-Ship Power Initiatives


India is pushing for a mechanism wherein ships can plug in for power (electricity from the grid or generated through renewable sources) rather than operating on diesel gen-sets when at the berth .

Waterways plans 

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways plans to expand its shore-to-ship power infrastructure and revise policy guidelines so that all ports in India — both major and non-major — have the infrastructure to supply shore power to large EXIM (export-import) vessels, coastal vessels, and harbour craft.

In shipping parlance, shore power refers to the power supply given to a boat, ship, or any maritime vessel when it’s docked at the port.

This will not only save fuel, but also significantly reduce vessel emissions within the port area. A rough estimate suggests that one container vessel has an hourly electricity demand of 4000 kWh.

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Source: Hindu Businessline