MOL Sets Milestone By Acquiring Human Resources-Related Social Data Certification


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd announced that it has become the first Japanese shipping company to acquire third-party certification from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for social data in the area of human resources collected from MOL and its group companies. This means that ClassNK, as a third-party organization, has verified that the MOL group’s data collection methods and results are appropriate, which is important for the group’s investments in human capital, sources Mitsui Lines.

Human Capital Policy 

  • Percentage of women permanent employees
  • Percentage of women permanent employees in managerial positions
  • Ratio of the wage gap between men and women non-permanent employees
  • The ratio of wage gap between men and women permanent employees
  • The ratio of the wage gap between all men and women employees
  • Percentage of men permanent employees taking childcare leave
  • Percentage of men non-permanent employees taking childcare leave

As companies are required to make proactive efforts to realize a sustainable society, disclosure of non-financial information, as typified by environmental and social data, is becoming increasingly important as corporate ESG evaluation indicators. In addition, stakeholders use ESG information disclosed by companies to evaluate their prospects for achieving sustainable growth.

MOL Group established the “MOL Group Human Capital Vision” covering its human capital policy, and set forth three basic principles for the policy: “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion,” “Mutually Empowered,” and “Highly Engaged.” To fulfill and develop these three basic principles, it is important to grasp social data in the human resources area appropriately. MOL will continually pursue its human resources policies by utilizing the data.

MOL selects the following as important items for third-party certification:
Of the social data in the human resources domain, disclosure of this data is required under the Japanese government’s Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. From “The provision of opportunities for the professional life of women workers,”

  • The percentage of women workers in employed workers 
  • The percentage of women workers in managerial positions 
  • Wage differences between men and women
    From “The creation of a balance between working and personal life,” “The Child Care and Family Care Leave Act”
  • Status of male workers using childcare leave, etc. 

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Source: MOL