Increasing Focus On Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) In Shipping


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been intensifying its focus on underwater radiated noise (URN) from shipping. With updated, non-mandatory guidelines and insights from studies, the IMO seeks to reduce the impact of URN on marine life through voluntary measures. These efforts align with the shipping industry’s broader decarbonization goals.

Revised IMO Guidelines for URN Management

The IMO revised its URN guidelines in 2023 to better address noise pollution from ships, recommending that URN management should begin at the design stage. For existing ships, the guidelines suggest feasible URN management plans. The goal is to mitigate the impact on marine life while improving operational efficiency and fuel savings.

Link Between Energy Efficiency and URN Reduction

At the recent SDC 10 meeting, a study from the University of Southampton highlighted the connection between energy efficiency measures and reduced URN. Findings show that nearly 28% of the global fleet now has energy-saving devices, potentially leading to a significant drop in underwater noise. As ships move toward decarbonization, this synergy offers a dual benefit in reducing both emissions and noise.

Industry’s Role in Adopting Guidelines to Prevent Mandatory Regulations

Organizations like BIMCO are advocating for voluntary adherence to URN guidelines. A planned industry survey aims to log ships adopting the guidelines, hoping to demonstrate enough progress to avoid mandatory regulations post-2026. With growing scrutiny from the IMO, EU, and Americas, the industry has incentives to take proactive steps in noise reduction for environmental and operational benefits.

Future of URN in Shipping and Marine Life Conservation

The IMO’s experience-building phase, running until 2026, will gather data to assess the effectiveness of URN measures. This data could form the foundation for future mandatory regulations, especially if voluntary adoption remains low. Enhanced monitoring technology and analytics will further inform the industry on how URN impacts marine life, especially in sensitive regions like the Arctic.

The IMO’s revised guidelines represent a milestone in recognizing the importance of noise reduction and energy efficiency for a sustainable maritime future.

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Source: BIMCO