Cargo Ship Pan Viva Faces Emergency Off Constantine Bay


The Pan Viva, a 729-foot cargo ship with 300,000 gallons of fuel and staffed by 21 crew members, is anchored off Constantine Bay in an emergency. Amid rough seas, the vessel struggles to maintain stability, prompting heightened alert from local authorities.

Emergency Measures and Response Efforts

Local authorities, including the Alaska Marine Pilots and the U.S. Coast Guard, are monitoring the Pan Viva closely as it works to keep its bow into the wind. Tug assistance is currently on standby, but severe sea conditions have prevented deployment. The city of Unalaska has partially activated its emergency operations centre as a precautionary measure.

Vigilant Monitoring with No Immediate Coastal Risk

While the situation remains controlled, the Pan Viva’s proximity to shore is a concern. Assistant City Manager Marjie Veeder noted that there’s no immediate risk to the coastline, but authorities are maintaining high alert, ready to respond if conditions worsen. Further updates will be provided as the weather and sea state evolve.

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