NAVISON Report: The First Pan-European Study of Underwater Noise


  • NAVISON is the first pan-European report to provide comprehensive underwater noise data across all European seas.
  • The report highlights shipping noise as a significant stress factor for marine life, particularly cetaceans, affecting their communication and behavior.
  • NAVISON forecasts future underwater noise levels under different scenarios for 2023, 2040, and 2050.

The NAVIs SONus (NAVISON) report is the first comprehensive study providing historical and future forecast underwater noise data across all European seas. This groundbreaking report highlights the increasing concern over the impact of underwater noise on marine biodiversity, particularly cetaceans such as whales and dolphins, reports EMSA.

Impact of Underwater Noise on Marine Life

Underwater noise from ships is a significant stress factor for marine life, especially for whales and dolphins, which rely on sound for communication.

Increased noise levels in marine environments can lead to behavioral changes in these animals, affecting their ability to thrive.

Comprehensive Mapping of Underwater Noise Levels

Using a single methodology, the NAVISON report presents a comprehensive overview of underwater noise levels across all European seas for the first time.

This mapping enables like-for-like comparisons of shipping noise contributions to ambient sound across different regions, vessel categories, and forecast scenarios.

High Noise Levels in Key Areas

According to the report, regions with the highest sound pressure levels (SPL) include parts of the English Channel, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Adriatic Sea, the Dardanelles Strait, and some areas in the Baltic Sea.

These areas are most affected by shipping noise, causing heightened concern for marine life.

Low Noise Levels in Certain Areas

The areas with the lowest sound pressure levels are recorded in the northwest part of the northeast Atlantic Ocean. It is particularly around the Denmark Strait and the Irminger Sea.

Other quieter areas include the southern Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Black Sea.

Forecasting Future Underwater Noise Impact

The NAVISON report also provides forecast sound maps to predict future underwater noise levels for 2023, 2040, and 2050 under four different scenarios.

These forecasts assess the impact of maritime technology and operational measures on the mitigation of shipping noise over time.

Read the NAVISON report here

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Source: EMSA