Guidelines For Break Bulk Cargo Loading In China


Loading break bulk cargo in China presents challenges due to the variety of cargo types, such as steel, vehicles, and bagged goods, often loaded simultaneously. This guide provides key considerations for shipmasters and shipowners to ensure safe and efficient loading operations.

Importance of Planning and Stowage Review

  • Obtain the stowage plan early and scrutinize it for potential issues.
  • Enquire about adjustments to stowage if needed to avoid non-compliance with the ship’s cargo securing manual.
  • Visualize the stow as it progresses to catch issues during loading rather than after completion.

Ensuring Safe Handling and Cargo Securing

Ensure cargo weight limits align with tank top and hatch cover capacity to prevent structural damage. Use additional lashings if needed and weld lashing points carefully, avoiding areas near bunker tanks. Follow hot work safety protocols to prevent fire risks during welding activities.

Coordination with Surveyors and Stevedores

Surveyors assist with communication but cannot replace the master’s responsibility in securing cargo. Maintain respectful communication with stevedores and charterers to facilitate smooth operations. Confirm vehicles meet safety requirements (empty fuel tanks, disconnected batteries) or handle them as dangerous goods under the IMDG Code.

Proactive involvement by the master and crew, respectful collaboration with surveyors and stevedores, and careful adherence to safety protocols are essential for successful break bulk cargo loading. For surveyor appointments, contact your local correspondent or claims team at Britannia promptly.

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Source: Britannia P&I Club