ClassNK Awards First-Ever Notation For Installing Hydroponic Vegetable Grower


ClassNK has granted its “ELW (HP)” (Excellent Living and Working Environment (Hydroponics)) notation to “ROYAL LAUREL”, a bulk carrier owned by Tokei Kaiun Ltd. The vessel becomes the first in ClassNK registry to have the “ELW (HP)”, reports ClassNK.

Working conditions

It is expected that efforts to improve working conditions that exceed the regulations set by the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006), will not only create an attractive workplace environment but also help reduce crew fatigue and contribute to safe operations at sea.

ClassNK will continue to support the promotion and development of advanced initiatives being implemented to make ships attractive workplaces, through the ELW notation, contributing to the resolution of challenges within the maritime industry.

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Source: Classnk