Lessons Learned: Inclement Weather Causes Crew Fatality and Injury


MSIU has published a Safety report on the grounding of a bulk carrier causing crew fatality and injury.

What happened

The Vessel departed from the port of Norfolk, USA, bound for Bizerte, Tunisia on 26 January 2021. During the voyage, the vessel experienced inclement weather and the voyage plan was progressively amended, based on the advice received from a weather routeing service.

On 29 January 2021, the eductor was started to pump out the water from the forecastle store, which was found flooded by the crew members. On the next day, five deck crew members, including the deck cadet, were instructed to extract the remaining water from the forecastle store and chain lockers, using portable pumps, dry up the store, cover the spurling pipes on the forecastle deck, and arrange and secure all equipment within the store. The vessel’s course was altered to minimize the rolling and pitching and thus, facilitate the safety of the deck ratings.

Whilst the crew members were covering the spurling pipes, a large wave washed over the forecastle deck. All the crew members were swept across the forecastle. Injured crew members were helped back to the accommodation. In the meantime, the vessel diverted towards the port of Halifax, Canada. Eventually, one of the injured crew members succumbed to his injuries whilst the vessel was still en route.

The safety investigation concluded that there was a sense of urgency to pump out the accumulated water and take immediate action to prevent further flooding. Moreover, the weather conditions limited the extent of the course alteration. On the basis of the conclusions drawn by the safety investigation and the safety actions taken by the company, no recommendations were given by MSIU.

Safety actions taken during the course of the safety investigation

  • A Company’s representative boarded the vessel during her stay at Halifax and conducted refresher training for the crew members on the Company’s SMS procedures, including the importance of wearing a working life vest and a safety harness when working on deck in inclement weather.
  • The Company monitored the routine works on board the vessel, with relevant risk assessments, for a period of three months after the accident, and verified that the SMS procedures were being followed.
  • The Company promulgated a circular letter across its fleet to remind the masters that if work on deck during inclement weather is absolutely necessary, then all of the Company’s procedures are to be fully complied with.
  • The Company promulgated another circular letter across its fleet requesting all vessels to conduct a hose test to verify the watertight integrity of the seals around the anchor cable bitter end release pins.
  • The Company amended its SMS procedures, so as to have the Company informed before any crew member was sent to work on deck in inclement weather.
  • The Company inserted a new checklist in its SMS manual, which was to be used as guide for masters in the case of any fatality on board.

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Source: MSIU