Huge Ship made from 4 Tons of Reused Materials


Turkey Presents a Huge Ship made from 4 Tons of Reused Materials in Venice


Turkey’s Pavilion at this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale showcases common cultural heritage shared between twin Mediterranean harbors, Istanbul and Venice.

A large vessel called “a baştarda” built from waste materials in Istanbul was transported to Venice and installed at the pavilion as a symbol of cultural connections and transformation of borders.

The large ship measures 30 meters (98 feet) and weighs four tons.  The vessel was built from more than 500 pieces including seven kilometres (4.6 miles) of steel cable and abandoned materials found on site including wooden moulds, discarded furniture, signboards and boats.

The design, curated by Feride Çiçekoğlu, Mehmet Kütükçüoğlu and Ertuğ Uçar, focuses on the concept of borders and ways in which these can be dissolved and transformed.  After the Biennale closes next November, Baştarda will continue her journey and she will eventually become the centrepiece of a museum of arsenal, when the site is opened to public in Istanbul.

Source: Inhabitat