Key Loss Prevention Updates in the IMSBC Code (Amendments 07-23)


The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code amendments were adopted in June 2023 by Resolution MSC.539(107). The amendments have been available on a voluntary basis since 1 January 2024, but they become mandatory from 1 January 2025.

Summary of notable changes

New schedules for solid bulk cargoes have been added to Appendix 1 of the code.

In addition to the above, a new Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN) ‘CELESTINE CONCENTRATE’ has been added to the lists of cargoes under the existing entry for ’Mineral concentrates’.

Take note of the new cargo schedule for DIRECT REDUCED IRON (D) (By-product fines with moisture content of at least 2%). The cargo is classed as Group A, meaning it may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of its transportable moisture limit (TML).

This cargo is also classed as Group B because of the risk of overheating, fire and explosion, due to its reactivity with air, fresh water and seawater to produce hydrogen and heat. As a MHB cargo it has been provided with hazard notation to show that it may Self Heat (SH) and/or emit Flammable gas when Wet (WF).

The schedule is comprehensive, including an appendix, and covers additional precautions and certification requirements to be taken or provided prior to, during, and upon completion of loading. It also includes a recommendation to appoint an experienced cargo technician.

Cargo temperatures and hydrogen concentration must be closely monitored during carriage and mechanical surface ventilation shall be available at all times, to allow control of the concentration of hydrogen gas in cargo holds. To ensure continued availability of ventilation, two spare sets of certified ventilation equipment should be available during the voyage. The use of weather routing advice is recommended, to assist with voyage planning and avoidance of situations where the ventilation system cannot be used due to weather conditions.

Section 4.2 ‘Provision of information’ has also been amended to show that “bulk density (as required by SOLAS regulation XII/10)” is one of the items of cargo information to be provided by shippers before loading. This addresses a discrepancy that existed between SOLAS and the IMSBC Code.

Appendix 3 ‘PROPERTIES OF SOLID BULK CARGOES’ has been updated to include new cargoes that are considered non-cohesive. For these cargoes the angle of repose must be determined prior to completion of loading, to allow correct trimming procedures to be conducted.

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Source: Britannia P&I