Singapore Encourages Green Shipping With New Harbor Craft Incentives


This article outlines revisions to the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative (MSGI) with the introduction of the Green Craft Programme (GCP) specifically for newly built harbor craft, according to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. 

Transition from the Green Port Programme

  • The incentives for new build harbor craft under the previous GPP will be integrated into the new GCP.
  • Existing harbor craft registered under the GPP will continue to enjoy the waiver of craft port dues for the remaining validity period (up to 5 years) or until December 31, 2027, whichever comes first.
  • These existing craft must maintain their MPA license and demonstrate the use of zero-emission or low-carbon fuels throughout the year to continue receiving the waiver.

New GCP Incentives

The new GCP will offer port dues concessions for newbuild harbor craft (licensed between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2027) that meet one of the following criteria:

    • Use of zero-emission fuels: This likely includes fuels like hydrogen, methanol, or electricity.
    • Adoption of zero-emission technologies: This could include technologies like fuel cells, solar panels, or wind power.
    • Use of low-carbon fuels: This may include fuels with lower carbon emissions compared to conventional fuels, such as biofuels or liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The Requirements 

Here’s a breakdown of the requirements and conditions that shipowners or charterers must fulfill to participate in the GCP program for newbuild harbor craft in Singapore:

Registration Process:

  • Apply for a new Harbour Craft License through the digitalPORT@SG™ online registration system
  • Submit the required documents for verification during registration.

Eligibility and Concession:

  • Only one concession scheme will be awarded per eligible newly built harbor craft.
  • The MPA will assess eligibility and determine the applicable concession scheme based on the declared engine type and submitted documents.
  • The MPA will collaborate with participants to verify data, calculations, and proof of mitigation technologies employed.

Maintaining the Concession:

  • To qualify for the awarded concession and its associated port dues reduction, the harbor craft must:
    • Use zero-emission fuel/technology or zero/low carbon fuel for both the main and auxiliary engines while operating within Singapore Port Limits.
    • Consistently utilize zero-emission or low-carbon fuel throughout all operations within Singapore Port Limits.

Monitoring and Compliance:

  • The MPA will conduct annual reviews of the registered craft’s documentation throughout the concession period.
  • Shipowners/charterers must maintain and provide supporting documents upon request to demonstrate continued use of zero-emission/low-carbon fuel throughout the concession period.

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Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore