St Kitts & Nevis Ship Registry Launches Pilot Ladder Inspection Campaign


The St Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry (SKAN) has announced a focused inspection campaign targeting pilot ladder transfer and boarding arrangements, reports Safety4sea. 

Ensuring Compliance

A three-month concentrated inspection campaign focusing on pilot ladder transfer and boarding arrangements will take place from April 1st to June 30th, 2025, for St. Kitts and Nevis flagged vessels. The campaign’s goal is to verify compliance with international regulations, specifically those in the SOLAS Convention.

During Flag State Inspections, vessels will have their pilot ladder transfer and boarding arrangements thoroughly inspected. Inspectors will focus on:

  • Ladder condition and rigging.
  • Compliance with safety regulations.
  • Rope integrity (damage, wear, etc.).
  • Step and spreader functionality.
  • Pilot ladder inspection and maintenance documentation.
  • OEM plates matching certificate information and having a MED marking (e.g., wheel mark) with an ISO standard reference.

Recommendations Given 

Regarding the Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on pilot ladder transfer and boarding arrangements, the following compliance points are emphasized:

  • Certification: Pilot ladders on vessels with keels laid after July 1, 2012, or equipment/components delivered after that date, must be manufacturer-certified compliant with SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 23, and IMO Resolution A.1045(27), as amended.
  • Records: A record of the pilot ladder’s service date and any repairs must be maintained onboard, along with records of regular inspections to ensure safe use.
  • Shipside Doors & Pilot Hoists: Shipside doors for pilot transfer must open inwards (SOLAS Regulation V/23, paragraph 5). Mechanical pilot hoists are prohibited (SOLAS Regulation V/23, paragraph 6).
  • Side Ropes: Side ropes should be made of manila or equivalent material with similar strength, durability, elongation, and grip. They must be two continuous, jointless, uncovered ropes (at least 18 mm diameter each side) with a breaking strength of at least 24 KN per side rope.
  • Markings: Permanent markings at regular intervals (e.g., 1 meter) along the ladder’s length are required for easy rigging to the correct height.
  • Retrieval Line: The retrieval line should be fastened at or above the last spreader step and lead forward.
  • Steps: Ladder steps must be one-piece, non-slippery hardwood, at least 115 mm wide, 25 mm deep, and spaced no less than 400 mm apart between side ropes. Steps should be equally spaced (310-350 mm apart) and secured horizontally.
  • Replacement Steps: No pilot ladder should have more than two replacement steps secured differently than the original construction.

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Source: Safety4sea