BSEE Issues Safety Alert Due To Increased Weather-Related Incidents Offshore


The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has issued a safety alert due to increased incidents caused by adverse weather. Specifically, they investigated an incident involving sudden risks from rough seas and received multiple reports in late 2024 where weather was the primary cause. The alert emphasizes the need for companies to create and communicate stronger safety protocols in preparation for bad weather, reports the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

Rough Weather Dangers

An offshore worker on a deepwater drilling rig sustained a fractured femur after being knocked down by a large wave. Here’s a breakdown of the incident and contributing factors:

  • Incident: After observing completed pressure washing operations, the worker went to the stern of the vessel to watch the waves. A large wave crashed over the stern, knocking him back approximately 20 feet, potentially hitting a bollard, and landing at the base of the stairs.
  • Weather Conditions: Sea conditions were worsening, and the aft deck had been secured, with crane operations suspended.
  • Worker’s Actions: Without any assigned duties in the area, the worker chose to access the secured stern to observe the water.
  • Root Cause: The primary contributing factor was the rough sea conditions, which presented sudden and unpredictable risks. The incident was attributed to wthe eather.
  • Additional Weather-Related Incidents: The alert also mentioned several other weather-related incidents reported to BSEE in November and December 2024, including:
    • A worker injured a knee falling on deck due to a wave impacting a boat transfer.
    • A boat collision with a platform landing due to a rogue sea swell.
    • A vessel losing DP capability and being pushed into a boat landing by a sea swell, resulting in damage.

Essentially, the alert highlights the dangers of rough weather on offshore platforms and the importance of adhering to safety protocols, especially regarding secured areas.

Recommendations Given

Based on the incident and related information, the following safety measures should be implemented:

  • Establish Restricted Areas: Clearly define and implement restricted areas on the facility during adverse weather conditions. Communicate these restricted areas to all personnel during pre-tour and other relevant meetings.
  • Enhance Signage and Barriers: Supplement existing safety measures with additional restricted access signs and/or hard barriers around the facility, based on weather-related restrictions determined by offshore facility leadership.
  • Hazard Awareness: Educate personnel about potential hazards from unexpected sources during extreme weather events with unpredictable conditions (seas, winds, etc.).
  • Suspend Non-Critical Work: Establish clear criteria for suspending non-critical work during unfavorable conditions to prioritize safety.
  • Medical Evacuation Assessment: Evaluate medical evacuation capabilities and potential challenges during adverse weather conditions.

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Source: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement