MSIB 01-16 – Crew Requirements Passenger Accountability


Marine Safety Information Bulletin — Small Passenger Vessel Crew Requirements & Passenger Accountability


This bulletin is intended to serve as an important reminder to Small Passenger Vessel operators of the critical requirement to ensure crew members performing safety sensitive duties are properly enrolled in a Drug & Alcohol Testing Program meeting Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and the importance of maintaining accurate passenger accountability.

A recent casualty investigation revealed that Small Passenger Vessels, particularly those involved in dive charters, are engaging in a dangerous practice of informally asking friends and “frequent flyers” to perform safety sensitive functions aboard vessels in exchange for free trips.  Operators are reminded that Title 46 CFR Part 16 requires that any person fulfilling safety sensitive functions must be enrolled in a DOT Drug Testing program, including the verification of a negative pre-employment drug test prior to the individual performing safety sensitive duties.  Furthermore, it is the Master’s responsibility to ensure that those who are expected to perform safety sensitive functions are fully aware of their responsibilities as it relates to the operation of the vessel and safety of passengers.  A crew member must also remain on board the vessel at all times during the voyage if they are required by the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection except in the case of an emergency.

Small Passenger Vessel Operators are also reminded that Title 46 CFR Part 185.504 requires the Master of a vessel to “keep a correct, written count of all passengers that embark on or disembark from the vessel.”  The Sector Los Angeles – Long Beach OCMI expects that Small Passenger Vessels serving as diving platforms for diving operations take all reasonable and prudent actions to ensure that every passenger on board is accounted for before the vessel departs each dive area.  The Master shall maintain an accurate roster of passengers and it is strongly recommended the roster includes the diver’s full name and the time the diver entered and exited the water.  In addition, the roster should be verified with a verbal and visual confirmation of the diver prior to the vessel departing a dive site.  Ultimately, it is the Master’s responsibility to ensure that all passengers are safely accounted for.

The Coast Guard will pursue enforcement action against any Marine Employers and/or Master that is found negligent in ensuring their vessel is fully compliant with manning requirements and the maintenance of passenger safety and accountability.

Also read our earlier Mfame article: Vessel Captain Surrenders Credential to the Coast Guard.

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Source: USCG News