What is Happening With the Grounded Bulker in Mauritius? – An Update!



The bulker which grounded at Mauritius has 145 Tons of bunker fuel onboard.  MFAME published news updates on the grounding as well as about the usage of Helicopters to remove bunkers from the grounded ship.

Here is an update from the grounded bulker Benita.  Out of 145 tons of fuel onboard, reports say that at least 80 tons have been transferred into 1 ton plastic containers and at least 53 such containers has been transferred safe ashore.

Five oceans salvage was engaged in the salvage operations and they say that one more tug is on its way in order to assist refloating the grounded bulker.  One from the salvage team said that the grounded bulker did not have any cargo and as it was in ballast state, there is no cargo shifting business involved.

“As previously reported, a number of tanks have taken in water but the Benita appears to be stable and remains firmly aground,” the statement added.

“Planning for the eventual re-floating and removal of the vessel continue, in conjunction with the vessel’s owners and the authorities.”

“The tug Ionian Sea FOS, based in Mauritius, remains on site in order provide specialist salvage and antipollution equipment, and a further tug, Coral Sea FOS, is en route and is scheduled to arrive next week.”

Benita- The greek bulker which ran aground due to a brawl on board where one of the crew member is said to have suffered a “serious medical episode” that led to an attack on a fellow crewman and damage to the engine room.

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