Cockburn Dive Trail Featuring Omeo Shipwreck at Port Coogee set to open this Summer



Construction of the City of Cockburn’s new maritime dive trail, showcasing the Omeo shipwreck at Port Coogee, has been completed and is set to open this summer.

About 25 metres from the shore, the purpose-built reef will consist of 33 reef modules ranging in height from one to five metres tall.

City of Cockburn Mayor Logan Howlett said the Coogee Maritime Trail will feature underwater sculptures and educational signage.

“The purpose-built reef will support a range of marine life, while providing a great snorkel and dive experience,” he said.  “The reef will be arranged with seven clusters of four Apollo modules, interspersed with three Abitat modules, one Reef Temple and one Reef Matt.”

The dive trail will feature two unique sculptures – an Australian Sea Lion sculpture, which will be partially submerged and viewable from land, and a giant six metre wide sea star.  It will also have a separate viewing deck for those who would rather stay on land.

Mayor Howlett said the project will hopefully attract more visitors to the area.

“Researchers will be monitoring the reef to measure expected increases in fish, invertebrates, macroalgae and seagrass species.”

“Cockburn boasts a number of incredible tourist attractions and it’s wonderful to see an initiative which will link the City’s unique past to its vibrant future.”

“The Omeo dates back to 1858 and until now, has rested just 25 metres from the shore without many people knowing about it.”

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Source: WA Today