Maritime Human Element Training – is it Working?



Statistics continue to show that human factors are the root cause of 65% of maritime related incidents and accident with tangible and direct financial costs, safety and environmental issues.

IAMI (International Association of Maritime Institutions) and IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology) are two UK based maritime organisations closely involved with delivering professional maritime training standards.  In 2010 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) made significant changes to the International Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) requirements.  These included the introduction of mandatory training at an operational and management level in human factors, leadership and management (HELM).

In 2014, IAMI and IMarEST organised an initial conference to look at this relatively new training requirement and to understand how it was being delivered to mariners.  This second look at HELM training takes its focus on the theme of “Human factor training – is it working?”   

The one-day conference is being held on board HQS WELLINGTON in London on Monday 28th November 2016.  Delegate costs are £130 (plus VAT) for members of IAMI or IMarEST and £150 (plus VAT) for non-members.

There are opportunities for commercial sponsorship (subject to approval).

For further details please contact: or

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Source: Imarest